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"Bank of Asia" has received 2 awards from CJSC "IPC" and "Visa"

11 December 2017

Last Friday in Jannat hotel there has taken place the seminar "The prospects of development of national payment service provider "Elkart", the organized CJSC "IPC" (Interbank processing center).

Representatives of all commercial banks of Kyrgyzstan, NB KR (National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic), UBK (Union of Banks of Kyrgyzstan), the CT of MFKR (The central treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic) have participated in a seminar.

The following subjects were discussed at a seminar:

  • "Current state of National Payment Service Provider "ELKART"
  • "Mobile payments with use of the national Elkart payment card"
  • "Internet acquiring" - technologies of safe calculations on the Internet"
  • "Installment" - purchases by installments"
  • "Intersystem integration of PS "MIR" with PS "ELKART"
  • "Development strategy of CJSC "IPC" 2018-2020"

Also foreign speakers from the Tieto and Gold Pac companies have participated in a seminar. 

Following the results of 2017 "Bank of Asia" has won in the "Active Bank on Money Transfers in ATM for 2017" nomination.

Also, in honor of 25 the anniversary of work of "Visa" in the CIS countries, following the results of the expiring year our bank has received an anniversary award for effective cooperation. 

 We are grateful to CJSC MPTs and "Visa" for holding seminars and recognition "Bank of Asia" among 25 commercial banks of Kyrgyzstan.

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