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Issue of the first Gender bonds

11 November 2022

Dear customers,

We inform you about the issue of the first Gender bonds on the Kyrgyz market.

Type of securities: freely traded, nominal interest-bearing, undocumented, unsecured bonds with a narrowed validity period (with the right of early repayment);

Form of issue: undocumented, in the form of records on accounts;Number of securities proposed for public offering: 82,000 (eighty-two thousand) copies;

Nominal value of the security: 1,000 (One thousand) soms;

Issue volume: 82,000,000 (eighty-two million) soms;

Securities circulation period: 36 (thirty-six) months from the date of the start of the bond placement;Method of placement of bonds: public offering;

Yield of securities: 12 % per annum;Date and number of state registration: 09.11.2022 KG 0201105119

Place and procedure of identification with the issue prospectus:

CJSC "Bank of Asia"Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek, 303 Chyngyz Aitmatov Avenue, Bishkek SEZTel.: +996 (312) 55-00-01, Fax: +996 (312) 55-01-82,e-mail: [email protected] , website: www.bankasia.kg

CCA Financial Company "CENTI"Kyrgyz Republic, Bishkek ave. Chui 219,9th floor (laneTogolok Moldo)Tel.: +996 (312) 61-45-89, 61-46-21, Fax: +996 (312) 61-00-25e-mail: [email protected]; website: www.senti.kg

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