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Bank of Asia together with the International Finance Corporation (IFC) held a number of events within the framework of Global Money Week

18 April 2022

Bank of Asia together with the International Finance Corporation (IFC) organized a number of events for the finalists of the Bank of Asia FinIOlimp – BootCamp 2022 Olympiad and users on the Instagram social network.

A Kahoot quiz was held for the finalists of the Olympiad. The guys had to answer questions on financial literacy and on the Global Money Week project for a certain time. As a result of the quiz, the winner was determined, who became the owner of the XIAOMI REDMI 9C phone. In addition, a contest was held for users of the social network Instagram. The participants had to fulfill the following conditions: write/print the hashtag #GlobalMoneyWeek; share in storis and mark @bankasia.kg; specify hashtag #GMW2022 #GMWKYRGYZSTAN2022; According to the results of the competition, another owner of the smartphone was determined.

These events were supported by the Central Asian IFC Project on Improving Financial Accessibility in partnership with the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO). We express our great gratitude to our partner – the International Finance Corporation (IFC) for the support and prizes provided.

We remind you that Global Money Week is an annual large-scale campaign conducted in more than 175 countries around the world in order to improve the financial literacy of children and youth.

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