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Open Day at CJSC "Bank of Asia"

15 April 2022

On April 15, the Bank's team gave students of the Malovodnenskaya secondary school a tour of the Kiev branch. This event was timed to coincide with a large–scale event - the All-Dimensional Money Week, which is held annually in order to improve the financial literacy of the population.

The guys saw live how the bank works from the inside, learned more about deposits, savings cards and learned how to manage pocket money competently. In addition, the participants of the training learned about a career and work in the banking sector. For their active participation in the discussion and eagerness to learn more, the students were rewarded with memorable gifts. For the students, it was a great opportunity to gain useful knowledge, have fun and interesting, and most importantly, have a good time.

The Bank's staff believes that the younger generation will not lose interest in improving their financial literacy, savings, and expanding their horizons in order to ensure a bright and stable future.

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