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Happy 23rd anniversary of Bank of Asia!

17 November 2021

Today is a significant day - our bank turns 23 years old!

These years for Bank of Asia, as well as for the entire banking system of Kyrgyzstan, were difficult years of formation, search for their dreams and a niche in the market. We grew, grew stronger, developed. We achieved new results and heights. Year after year, we have been building up our correspondent and branch network, improving our products and services, offering convenient and affordable credit conditions, cash and settlement services, and an individual approach to each of your requests.

And we can realize all this thanks to your trust, friendly support of the bank's customers and partners, the shareholders' faith in us, the experience and enthusiasm of the bank's beloved team.

We express our most sincere words of gratitude to our clients, partners and the Bank's management, because it is in this kind of collaboration that we achieve considerable success together.

Thank you for these twenty-three years with us!


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