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One day of the lecture of the KRJC mini-MBA was held within the walls of the new Kievskaya branch

12 June 2017

Bank of Asia employees Vladislav Ten, Jypara Sattarova, Nazgul Kulmatova and Azamat Asanakunov develop their managerial business skills in 3-month mini-MBA courses at the KRJC Japanese center, together with young entrepreneurs and managers of large companies from various business sectors. The end result of this course is a calculated and really working business plan. Inspired by the idea of ​​future cooperation with young and active businessmen, we offered KRJC one day training in the new modern office of the Bank of Asia branch located at 192 Kievskaya st.

The bank’s specialists told fellow students about the features of financial management using the example of a financial analysis of the banking system’s performance indicators, presenting the rating of commercial banks in the Kyrgyz Republic, and the experienced Sensei Ban San conducted the role-playing game “How to get a loan at the Bank of Asia?”. Employees acted as loan experts. In a friendly and cheerful atmosphere, guests were able to visually see and feel for themselves the whole process of obtaining a loan at the bank.

Many thanks to Ban San, KRJC employees and young businessmen for supporting the Bank of Asia initiatives and ideas. We are honored to see fellow students - present and future businessmen among our clients.


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