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Happy Victory Day!

9 May 2020

Dear veterans and compatriots,

We congratulate you on the 75th anniversary of Victory Day.

May 9 is the main and holy date in our life. This day is for the joy and pride of soldier, who did not spare their lives to protect homeland. We will always keep the memory of their courage and heroism in our hearts.

We have been living under a peaceful sky for 75 years, developing our economy, cultivating fields, building cities, and raising children. Decades pass, generations change, but the memory of the great victory will always remain in our hearts.

On this momentous day, we remember with our fathers and grandfathers, who bravely fought at the front and worked in the rear for the sake of a common victory. We bow our heads to them.

Dear veterans, thank you for valor, bravery, heroism, and perseverance. We wish you good health, prosperity, and longevity!

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