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Schedule of branches and saving banks on April 29, 2020

29 April 2020

Dear clients,

Please be informed that the following bank’s offices are working on April 29, 2020 from 9:00AM to 15:00PM:

Bishkek and Chuy region:

  • Head office - 303, Aitmatov av., FEZ "Bishkek", Bishkek city
  • “Center” branch - 101, Abdrakhmanov st., Bishkek city,
  • “Kievskaya” branch -  192, Kievskaya st., Bishkek city
  • “Kurulush” branch - 5, Kulatova st.
  • “Kudaibergen” branch - 379, Deng Xiaoping av. (crossing P. Lumumba st., Tire Center-2nd floor)
  • "Deng Xiaoping" SB - 2, Deng Xiaoping av., apt. 22, (Guiding line –Crossing gate)
  • Osh market SB - 259/1, Toktogula st.
  • Ak-Chuy” SB - Ak-chiy” SB, Alamedin district, Ak-Chiy village
  • “Kant” SB - 68a, Lenina st., Kant city
  • Sokuluk SB -  Sokuluk village, 132 Frunze Street (inter. Kalinina).

Issyk Kul region:

  • “Balykchy” branch - 130, Komsomolskaya st., Balykchy city
  • “Karakol” branch - Toktogula st., (“Karavan” market), Karakol city
  • “Kyzyl-Suu” SB - Zhety-Oguz district, 212, Manas st., Kyzyl-Suu village

Osh region:

  • “Osh” branch - 317, Lenina st., Osh city. The operating mode: 08:00AM-03:00PM
  • “Uzgen” SB -  Manasa st., (“Pazilat“ store) Uzgen city
  • “Aravan” SB - 1, Hashimova st. (bus station), Aravan village
  • “Kara-Suu” SB -  Lenin st.,  Karasuu city
  • “Nookat” SB - Nookat city, 7, S. Alimbekov st.(center market)

Jalal-Abad Region:

  • “Jalal-Abad” branch - 14/3a Lenina st., Jalal-Abai city
  • "Kerben" SB - 21 Niyazali Street, Kerben, Aksy district (Restaurant "Sary-Chelek", 1st floor)
  • "Ala-Buka" SB - 40 Lenin Street, Ala-Buka village, Ala-Buka district Guiding line – shop "MEGA"

Batken Region:

  • “Kyzyl-Kiya 1” SB -  Asanalieva st., (central market) Kyzyl-Kiya city
  • “Kyzyl-Kiya 2” SB - 7, Asanalieva st.,(central market) Kyzyl-Kiya city

These branches are equipped with antiseptics. In addition, the staff is provided with the necessary masks and gloves.

The health of our customers and employees is very important.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones!




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