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Employees of "Bank of Asia" played Quiz Night

3 March 2018

In honor of the last holiday of 23 of February and 8 of March, employees of "Bank of Asia" played in the intellectual game Quiz Night.

The theme of the game was "Banking and the 20th anniversary of the "Bank of Asia"". Directors of branches (including regional directors), members of the Management Board, Chairman of the Board of Directors and all interested employees took part in it.

Men played against the girls, as a result, with a small margin, the team of guys led by a member of the Board, Edil Ismailov won by taking the entire game bank.

The game was very "hot" and active. The situation with each issue was heated, the real excitement between men's and women's teams just "hung" in the air. Girls and guys went with an equal score and only a key additional issue decided the outcome of the game.

Disputes and an unforgettable atmosphere on the Quiz Night of this day were remembered by the staff for a long time.

Before the game, the staff also visited the seminar of the well-known service coach John Tschohl, where they received specific service tools and inspiration for further transformation of the bank. Our bank for the second year is inspired by his book "First Class Service" and in practice it implements some of its principles. It's nice that the transformation is in the active process, and every member of the team tries to make a contribution, using his talent, experience and knowledge.
Game Quiz Night  is also planned to be held in the future in other regional branches of the bank.

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